" Adventure is worthwhile in itself "

Monday 1 September 2014

Veronica 6

Beaugency to Romorantin Lathenay
An easy ride in sunshine and I had expected hills. We were at the hotel at 1 pm and it is closed until 5pm. However there is a deck, the sun is shining and there are chairs and tables. The SuperU is over the road  so Willem made a quick visit for beer and coca cola and we had our fresh bread and cheese and an apple pastry I had bought at the boulangerie at seven this morning.
At  5pm I looked into the office. We had seen no one arrive but there was a woman behind the desk and the door was at last unlocked. She was a most unusual looking woman, white faced, long black hair and staring dark eyes. She looked as though she was going to a Halloween party.  I was very shocked when I realised she could not talk or barely move her mouth which  stayed wide open, she just made grunting sounds.  However she gave us our room key and when I asked for the Wifi code and she wrote it for me she smiled with her eyes.   I have no idea what is wrong with her but she manages the reception desk the bar etc.  I can only think maybe she has been badly burned and the strange hair is a wig. What guts and determination.  The only other staff seem to be the chef who arrived at 6.30 and a waiter. The hotel is quite large and next to a motorway. It is quite uncared for and probably has only about twenty people in tonight.
Breakfast and again the lady was the only staff member present.   I wonder what story is behind this strange  place,

Romorantin Lathenay to Buzancais
A good ride and sunshine.  Saw fields of sunflowers, they have lost their pretty yellow colour and now the heads hang heavy with seeds.  Some maize 'as high as an elephants eye' and clover and lucern which I guess they will plough in later.   We ALMOST  visited a chateau but arrived at 12.15 when it was closed for two hours!    The hotel here is good, roomy and has just provided the best hotel meal so far of our trip. For the foodies; a small chicken and avocado salad with just the right amount of dressing, the best risotto ever with fennel and peas and a delicious apricot clafoutis.
Off to the boulangerie before breakfast.  Writing this in the courtyard behind the hotel.

Buzancais to Bonnat
A long ride today and the last third was hilly.  Warmer and sunshine all the way and very little wind.   Now we have passed the 1000 km mark I'm getting better at this biking game somehow keeping those legs turning  and managing to get up the hills without running out of breath.  There were some fantastic long downhills to compensate. I can't imagine though how I will get on in the mountains which are getting nearer   Just take it day by day.  If I feel a bit weary and Willem says just 3km I think 'to the wool shed and back' ,7km. 'Amodeo Bay and back', 12 km 'as far as Coro'. I must say I was tired when we arrived here after 86km with a nasty little climb to the town. Even before going to the room we sat in the bar and had a cold drink. Frans, I have become a tonic drinker ( no gin) when I need something refreshing. Just ask for a 'Schweppes' here and it comes in a nice special Schweppes glass. The hotel is called the Orangerie. It is set in park like surrounds and has a heated outdoor pool which we might try tomorrow as we are   due a rest day.  Our very nice room is now festooned with washing which should dry overnight as the sun is in the room and we have the heater on in the bathroom!
Today we saw more pasture land and cattle, though not huge numbers. There were hedges surrounding the smaller fields and lots of wooded areas.  On one stretch of road we noticed lots of signs of mole activity which made us laugh. At the side of the tarmac was a half metre wide strip of metal (gravel)   At intervals there were mole hills as though they were looking for a crossing place and we wondered how they coped when they reached the road.   They must have bruised their little noses and broken their claws.

Bonnat rest day.
 Wandered to the village to pick up things for a picnic lunch which we ate by the pool.  Not tempted to swim though.   Willem spent a huge amount of time again on determining our exact route to be 

sure there is accommodation at a manageable distance for me.  It is a pain for him I know but I don't have the confidence to just let it happen though he assures me it will be OK. It means that he has very little down time so to speak and I realise that I am having a cushy time only having to bike the distance each day and do the washing  every three days. Even then  Willem tells me that the wringing out is the hardest part.!!!
Tonight the hotel restaurant is closed but they will put on a 'menu du jour' for us at 7pm so that will be a surprise meal. The washing is dry and we are ready to set off tomorrow
I have to tell you the menu du jour was delicious foodies.
Aubergine  terrine.      Layered mashed aubergine with roasted red peppers the terrine dish was lined with slices of aubergine. Served with a very creamy tomato sauce garnished with pesto
Chicken breast roasted and served with delicious fancy mushrooms  in a sauce and rice
Two sorts of cheese with bread
Layered chocolate  cake with pistachios
We finished with coffee,a walk in the garden under a new moon and feel very privileged. (And full!)


Anonymous said...

Hey my wonderful friends it is so lovely to read your words - it all sounds so relaxed and holiday like - you both are clearly enjoying yourselves - I love seeing the photos too. Your bikes look amazing - I was imaging the foldaway bikes from the seventies... Stay safe and I will check in again - Spring has arrived in Hamilton and I am looking forward to smelling my first Freesia's any day now, and of course the Daffodils and Lambs are a delight. Maureen x x

Unknown said...

We enjoy to read all about your trip and you 2 are doing so well. Veronica, you get our respect! Lots of love from Rotterdam.