" Adventure is worthwhile in itself "

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Veronica 2

 I'm getting into the swing of things, learning what goes in which of my bags and no longer having to consult my list. This just isn't me being obsessive . The weight of the two bags needs to be fairly equal to make the bike stable.  The days of riding with my sunglasses on most of the time have left me with panda eyes. I look especially fetching when I am hot and have red cheeks. Getting up and getting on the road as early as possible each day is good. I always function better early in the day. This morning though at 8am it was7c!
The ride was through lovely rolling country , read hilly.  As I pedalled my way up the hills. I watched Willem's shapely legs doing the same.  We are riding on roads with cars and trucks now and I am delighted and amazed at how considerate the drivers are.
There were huge fields and lots of farming activity.   Most of cereals are harvested. Still some wheat much of which has been flattened by the storms. Maize and sugar beet are still growing. Straw is being baled and fields now being ploughed and disced.  There had been, to use a good English farming term, muck spreading on the fields. To my farmers nose I'm sure it was porcine in origin!
There are many cemeteries. So sad, so many young men, 'known only to God'
There are not many places to sit for breaks in the countryside. It was past midday and just as I was rejoicing that Amiens looked down hill all the way, the GPS had us turn left up a hill. It was down to the lowest gear for me. When there ahead on the outskirts of a village was just what we were looking for. I was so relieved to see it I was inspired.

Ode to the bench seat

Oh long awaited resting place
I thought you'd never come
It's lunch time and I need some food

And a place to put my bum (that isn't on a bike seat)

We are staying on the east side of Amiens, thus missing the city, the traffic and unfortunately it's wonderful cathedral etc. However biking is the thing on this holiday and this is the best place to stay for our route south.


Unknown said...

Ronnie you are doing so well! Hugh is hoping I will be inspired! So lovely that you saw Tante Ne. So many memories,

Anonymous said...

WOW GO VERONICA --- you will end up with "Luscious Legs" too !