" Adventure is worthwhile in itself "

Monday 18 August 2014

Veronica's perspective

Riding on real Pave on the Tour of Flanders Course !

The wind was so strong I could not stand still !

Now we have left the comfort of family and friends in Holland and we are on our own.  It was wonderful with them and we were very spoilt by everyone. We had two days biking then two days off.  In Belgium so far we have had reasonable weather but also some nasty rain and lots of wind (against).  We have biked some of the bike race route Ronde van Vlanderen and the hills while not as steep as Coromandel are long and are still taxing for my inexperienced legs, especially into the wind. Willem is doing a good job sheltering me as best he can. This requires good concentration as if I don't watch out I will get too close then...crash!  Also I am getting lots of advice on gear changes. I should be a much improved biker at the end of this.   My quads are a bit stiff today after yesterday's effort in the wind and rain. My backside is toughening up though the sections of cobbled road are not very comfy.   Willem so far has booked our hotels the night before and we have been pleased with his choices. So good to have a nice room, shower and someone else to cook dinner. En route we make coffee with hot water in a thermos. I look forward to that first stop usually after about 20km we start looking for a good spot to stop. I tuck in to raisin buns, biscuits or whatever we have for the day.   There are not always places to eat at the time we need it so take food for lunch too.
We gave just had our first rest day in Tournai in a very nice hotel close to the Cathedral.  Washing has been done and dried. Very important as we have a very limited selection of clothes. So far I have to say I am pleased with the choices I have made. I will be very tired of them by October I expect. Today we decided to walk along the river to find a place for coffee and something to eat we had skipped breakfast.  It is Monday and lots of places are closed. We found a little shopping centre with a bar. Bars sell coffee too. It was about 10am and already a man was at the bar drinking beer and an old lady playing  the pokies. However friendly and good coffee.  No food though. We proceeded to search for a boulangerie and there bought raisin pastries.  Over the road was smother bar so we ordered more coffee and ate the pastries. This is perfectly OK here if they do not sell food. We had a good day sightseeing .  The wonderful cathedral is undergoing huge renovations so we could only see the nave. The museum of Beaux Artes was a little disappointing but the Folklore Museum was wonderful.   Lots of interesting things very well displayed.  So it has been a good day and I am ready for tomorrow hopefully no rain and back wind.

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